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Team Member

Maria 'Mariska'

Tour guide (NL/EN)

Why did you come to Copenhagen? And what kept you here?

September 2023. My studies kept me here (landscape architecture) but also the vibrant yet relaxed life was part of it.

What are your favourite places in town?

My rowing club (DSR), yarn store (Tante Grøn), Frederiksberg gardens, Islands Brygge.

What surprised you most when you came to Denmark?

How kind and mostly calm the people are.

What are your favourite restaurants and why?

I don’t go often out to eat, but I love to buy pizza at Carlo’s Pizza once in a while. It has the best pizza with potato and goat cheese I have ever had.

Any tips for people coming to Copenhagen:

Rent/buy a bike. Go into/onto the water: swimming, boat, canoe/kayak.

What do you do besides working for Tropical Bikes?

I study landscape architecture, I row, I learn Danish, crochet and knit, and work in my garden.