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SoMe person and tour guide (NL/EN)

What are your favourite places in town?

There are so many nice places in Copenhagen, it is hard to choose! But if I have to say one it would be Christianshavn. It looks a bit like Amsterdam, but with a Danish twist. Especially in summer it is great to sit down next to the harbor and eat some ice cream.

What surprised you most when you came to Denmark?

How wide the streets are and the way Danes like to use their flag for so many occasions, even birthdays

What are your favourite restaurants and why? Focus rather on one or two places and say a couple of words about what you like about it.

I have one absolute favorite. Paludan Bog & Café. It was the first place in Copenhagen where I had dinner, and the restaurant feels like a library from a fantasy movie. It has a great atmosphere, good food and a lot of books!

Any tips for people coming to Copenhagen:

If you are here in summer, don’t forget to take a swim in the harbor or at the beach in Amager. When people come to Copenhagen, they are usually not aware that these are options as well, but it is a lot of fun!

What do you do besides working for Tropical Bikes?

I study psychology and love to create children’s book illustrations. Oh and I am also taking care of the Tropical Bikes social media platforms. Don’t forget to follow us there as well! ;)